Sep 16, 2014

My MacBook Air Booboo

MacBook Air (right).  Just ignore the food, I cannot work without food. :)
My company was kind enough to provide me with a MacBook Air to be used for work-related things so I was able to get it a few weeks ago.  I was asked to chose a laptop and my main consideration is one with a long battery life.  After doing some research I found out that the MacBook Air (13inch) has 12 hours of battery life,  so why not,  coconut?  I was actually thinking that this same feature will be helpful when I'm in the school library which has limited plugging sockets.  So off I went and got the Macbook!

I admit I am really a Windows OS person so using the Mac is quite a challenge function-wise.  No, honestly,  it is a pain (to my bangs) to use it for encoding and creating documents.  Moreover,  I use a lot of programs in design, transcription, etc. and until today,  I still could not figure out how to put them all in the Mac!

Since my old laptop has been acting strange lately and my being Mac-challenged all the more added to my hair-pulling episodes whenever I am unable to do my planned tasks for the day, so I was forced to make an unplanned purchase of another laptop.  Oh dear, that cost me 3-days worth of hotel stay in Boracay!  I hate spending unnecessarily.

And the Macbook?  Well,  it is pretty with its elegant silver finish and slim design body makes it easy for me to slip it in my purse.  And yeah,  I still have to spend a lot of time with it to really maximize its functions -- time that I don't have much any way so the Macbook is now mainly for internet and blogging and backup.  I am not complaining but...

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